As many of you remember the accident which took the lives of Billy Walker,his wife Bettie Walker and two of his band members, and seriously injured Billy and Bettie's grandson, I wanted to give you an update regarding Josh.

Josh as you remember had nine broken bones, a head injury and was not expected to live. He was transferred by a six wing airplane with appropriate equipment(ventilator) to sustain Josh's life during the transfer. Josh's chances of survival were very slim. He remained in a coma for three weeks.

Now almost a year later, I am thankful to report that my son is making progress. He still faces two more surgeries and is still dealing with forgetfulness and other problems relating to brain injury patients. He has returned to work, and thru your prayers, Josh,is recovering, slowly but
surely. I covet your prayers as God continues to heal Josh's broken body.

From the sincerity of my heart I thank you. God bless each of you for praying for my son.

Kelly Brooks


The Billy Walker Estate
P.O. Box 618 - Hendersonville, Tn 37077